Great Film Fantasies

Telarc (0089408066429)
Telarc (0089408066467)
Film | Releasedatum: 28/03/2006 | Medium: CD, Download

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# Track   Lengte
1.Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope: Main Theme5:35
2.Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope: Princess Leia4:07
3.Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope: Cantina Band2:14
4.Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: The Imperial March2:56
5.Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: Yoda´s Thema3:16
6.Star Wars - Episode VI: Return of the Jedi: Luke and Leia4:38
7.Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace: Duel of the Fates4:18
8.Star Wars - Episode I: The Phantom Menace: Anakin´s Theme2:30
9.Star Wars - Episode II: Attack of the Clones: Across the Stars3:15
10.Star Wars - Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith: Battle of the Heroes3:34
11.Harry Potter and the Sorcecer´s Stone: Harry´s Wondrous World4:49
12.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: The Chamber of Secrets4:49
13.Harry Potter and the Prisoner from Azkaban: Aunt Marge´s Waltz2:22
14.The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring: May it be and Themes6:06
15.The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers: The Hornburg4:04
16.The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King: The Ride of the Rohirrim2:35
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Soundtracks uit de collectie: Compilation

Amorosa! Cipriani (1996)
Red Light Films (1981)
Everlasting Secret Family, The (1988)
Exodus (2009)
Ivanhoe / Plymouth Adventure / Madame Bovary (1957)
Your Favourite TV Themes (1974)
Horrors of the Black Museum (1993)
Best Spaghetti Western Music Vol. 1, The (2013)
Ennio Morricone - Greatest Soundtracks - Vol. 5 (2013)
Classic Disney (1999)

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